Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Vision of Love

A Vision of Love

I had a vision from above
Was presented an bird’s eye view
I looked down – from a vantage point
I saw his head -his hands -his face
Dripping Blood
Down from him
Down a tree to a place below
Where tons walk in dire pain, confusion
Are lost
I felt a jolt of compassion – Its must have been a glimpse from him
As he hung from the tree
Beholding humanity
What can I say, no words can truly capture that moment
The amount of love and grace
In the face
Of his torment
His love is excruciating beyond explanation
To bring
Peace on earth and joy to all Nations
Let us give him the honor he is due
Jesus our Christ, we love and appreciate you!

T. Walmsley
 A Christmas tribute 2014



Sideways glances
In a shared room                     around me
Auburn hair
Hairs shortish spikish
Hairs straight and fair
Afro - frizzy
Hairs somewhat reddish
Heads that don dreads
Hairs dark - kinky
Room of heads

Words and pictures like fish out of water
Words floating, some tripping, sharing experiences, sharing meaning
Sideways glances, there I catch it again
Dimpled smiles, eyes dancing
Eyes focused inwardly

On words
Reeling inside ones heart and head
Like cacophony    the cackle of words loony
Some of rhythm    others out of tuny
Like a chattering monkey        I feel buffoony

No matter though in this room
Like bread crumb trails
Words lead me behind the veil
Stolen glances
I catch it
Catch words
Catch words behind words
Catch the invitation

Journey with me behind my veil
Them Words spoken there
Hidden there                                     in the inner receptacle
May not be quite                      acceptable

You stretch out your hand and take mine
The road forks ahead, you stop you stare
At once I perceive a choice
At the fork
True me or fantasy
True you – I respond candidly

I recall
The bread crumbed tail left behind
Some words misleading others leading
Like Alice in wonderland the road opens up a hole
We free fall, gaily laughing like children innocence reborn
We slip in to a tunnel filled with doors
Voices behind the doors

Those are the friends I made along the way…       you say
What’s behind that door?
You smile                                                    Baby years
These doors hold                                         memories
Come let’s meet my friends…

Finally one brass gated door with coded access keys and combination locks
Mesmerized I run and feel its cold plated panels
At once your friends hurl themselves like bouncers across the door
No this one you can’t go – you say protectively

One long hard stare between us, sideway glances
I sense your demeanour brooding
I reach to my pocket retrieving breadcrumbs
Words dropping, trailing, tripping, sailing
Entrails leading to my world

behind the veil