Monday, November 3, 2014

One can never just sum it all up

Heroes …
Fashioned from baptisms of fire
Where interactions in life inculcate strength of character
and desire
To perpetuate in life soundness
and inspire
People to be grounded and live for that which is higher

To be great is to see greatness in others
To coax out of dimness ones latent powers
Such is a hero amongst us
For in our drudgery provided vision, guidance and propelled us
To heights above - This Hero
Our great gift our great plus

A Hero gleans from the diary of their lives
Where crossroads and road signs were thoughtfully defined
Out of these treasures too our life course refined
We are blessed for this meeting that God so designed

But there was a time when fears run amok the corridors
And in between blocks and floors
From laymen to officials
Some harboring hurts
Others strategizing scores

A time when voices were hushed
Hearts were bleeding and crushed
Betrayal the order of the day
A time when work and meaning had lost its way

But now we say, it’s a new day
We smile, we work, we play
We are thankful that a hero came our way

And we are strong both inward and outward
And we’ll continue striving onwards and upwards
A legacy imprinted
Yes - One can never just sum it all up
What this hero has done or means to all of us
Our great gift and great plus

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