Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If this were up to me

If this were up to me

I would spread the fire that burns of hope inside
Would tell the news Yes far and wide
That tells me that Kenya will be free
To enjoy a stable economy
A just society
A legacy relished from those of old age to infancy
Protected for generations
Each one with equitable portions

That audacity of hope
That resides inside of me
Tells me Kenya is a place of beauty
Where abundant radiant resources
FOR ALL flows freely

If this were up to me

Brother would safely stand with brother
in sanctity
Neighbour need not cower
None would fear
Elated Liberty

This firelight within me
Conspires to be set free
To ignite the surroundings
Yes with joyful resounding
And burn what darkness there may be
of hostility

Hope stands with audacity
At the thought that some day will
Bring calm and instill

If this were up to me

I have a fire of hope burning within me
That tells me Kenya will someday be free
To stand with neighbour in unity and live forever in liberty

This flame inside
Desiring to confide
Says indeed THIS can be
I plead with my fellow countrymen and women
To stand
And say of ourselves
Yes it is up to us, up to you, up to ME!